Uniform Badges
- World Scouting Emblem
- Scouts Australia Badge
- John Oxley District Badge
- Pamphlett Sea Scouts Group Badge
Participation Badges
- Caring and Sharing Badge – program runs for one month that focuses on caring and sharing and develops their understanding of such a concept.
- Buddy Scheme Badge – Mobs visit each other, share activities and have great fun.
- Environment Challenge Badge – Four simple Environmental Challenges (tasks) are to be undertaken by the Mob as a whole that are aimed at developing an appreciation and respect for the natural environment and a sense of responsibility towards it.
- Adventure Challenge Badge – The Adventure Challenge is designed to broaden each Joey Scout’s life experiences through visiting places their Mob doesn’t usually go to. It runs in conjunction with the aims, principles and educational methods of Scouting, providing an excellent theme for fun activities. Some of the adventures the Mob could go on include a trip to the beach, waterway, zoo, museum, bushwalk, farm etc.
Joey Scout Promise Challenge
A Promise Challenge Card needs to be completed prior to the badge being awarded. The aim of this challenge is to allow older Joey Scouts to gain a greater understanding of the Promise and Law and to learn about our founder, Lord Robert Baden-Powell (BP), and the history of Scouting.
The Cub Scout Link Badge
The Cub Scout Link Badge links Joeys to the Cub Scout Section and is the next step in the Scouting journey. Completion of this badge prepares the Joey Scout for advancement to the Cub Scout Pack.
The requirements are:
- Attend four Cub Scout meetings.
- During talks with the Cub Scout Leader:
(a). Show a knowledge, understanding and acceptance of the Cub Scout Promise and Law.
(b). Know and understand the salute, demonstrate the Scout sign and left handshake.
(c). Discuss the going-up and investiture ceremonies. - Discuss being a Cub Scout with future Sixer.
- Know the names of the leaders in the Cub Scout Section.
- Discuss the Pack visits with the Joey Scout Leader and Joey Scout Mob.
- Hear how Scouting and Cub Scouting began and the first Jungle Story.
- Understand the meaning of ‘Good Turns’ and how important it is that Cub Scouts do a good turn.
The link badge may be awarded at the going-up ceremony at a Joey Scout meeting and is only worn on the Cub Scout uniform.